The phrase ‘Banking, Finance and Accountancy’ often brings to mind the image of dynamic men and women pacing the floors of Banks and Stock Exchanges, surveying the markets and waiting for the right opportunity to grab. They didn’t just get there by chance, they were trained. If you need the trainings that will make you a professional in accounting, banking or finance, QSL is the best place to be trained. We have a pool of experts who have decades of hands-on experience to equip you.

  • Choose one core course from the training categories.
  • Fill-in the registration form.
  • Get your training date and duration.
  • Indicate the training approach conducive for you.
  • Make payment for training.
  • Download or print receipt.
  • Start the training.

Accounting, Banking And Finance

Course Title

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The Complete Course on Budgeting: Planning, Forecasting, What-if Analysis and Reporting

Finance for Non-Finance Managers

Joint Venture Audit in the Oil and Gas industry

IFRS Adoption and Implementation

IFRS for the Oil and Gas Sector

IFRS a Complete Overview

IFRS for Banks and Other Financial Institutions

Forensic and Investigative Auditing

Finance for Project Managers

Budget Execution and Public Sector Accounting

Improving Management Performance through Budgeting and Cost Control

Mergers and Acquisitions and Private Equity

Fraud Prevention and Forensic Audit

Financial Instruments and Growth of Capital Markets

Pensions: Governance and Sustainability

Pensions: Building a Sustainable Future

Budget Execution through Strategic Financial Management

Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: Strategies and Practical Solutions

Trading on the Financial Market in Practice

Financial Instruments – An Introduction for Banks and the Financial Sector

Financial Instruments – An Introduction for the Public Sector

Financial Instruments – An Introduction for the Non-Financial Sector

Financial Instruments – Hedge Accounting

Financial Instruments – IFRS 9 and the Replacement of IAS 39

Financial Instruments (IAS 32) – Advanced Aspects – Presentation

Financial Instruments (IAS 39) – Advanced Aspects – Recognition and Measurement

IFRS – A comprehensive Refresher

IFRS – Advanced

IFRS – Foreign currency Transactions and Operations

IFRS – Group Accounting – The Revised Business Combinations Standards

Performance Measurement and Benchmarking

Margin Management: Powering Profitable Growth

Management Reporting for Decision Making

Spreadsheet Skills for Forecasting, Planning and Budgeting

The Balanced Scorecard

Working Capital Optimization

Value for Money Auditing – An Introduction for the Public Sector

Understanding Operational Risk Management

Financial Management in SMEs

Asset Management for Professionals

Portfolio Management

Financial Modelling

Private Equity and Venture Capital

Anti-Fraud and Corruption

Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing

Charities Financial Management and Reporting

Pension Fund Management and Administration

Fundamentals of Pension Fund Management

Pensions: Governance and Sustainability

Performance and Value for Money Auditing

Financial Planning and Decision Making

Financial Planning for Successful Retirement

E &P JV Agreement and Cash Call Management

Effective Working Capital Management

Authorization of Expenditure

Financial Analysis, Planning and Controlling Budgets

Bank and Financial Institution Fraud

Complete Management of Accounts Payable

Credit Risk and SME Lending

Effective Internal Audit Practice

International Public Sector Accounting Standards

Accounting and Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

Cost Estimation and Management in E&P

Basic Petroleum Accounting and Petroleum Economics