QSL provides high quality and budget-friendly publication services for academia and other related classes of literature. We publish research journals, conference proceedings, corporate publications, books and lots more.

QSL scholars bring their professional and technical skills, including creativity to bear on their work, thus ensuring that clients always have value-for-money for their jobs. Also, we provide book marketing support services to our esteemed clients.

Substantive Editing

  • Text Proofreading
  • First Count Editing
  • Copy Editing
  • Subject Matter

Unlimited Editing

  • Text Proofreading
  • First-Third Copy Editing
  • Word Count Reduction
  • Manuscript Rating
  • Rejection Shield
  • Words Registry Matching
  • Subject Area Correspondence
  • Subtle Intricacies
  • Paragraph and Hyphenation
  • Plagiarism Check (by iThenticate)
  • Comparative Editing

 Manuscript Formatting

  • Express customizations
  • Custom frontispiece
  • Standard Indexing
  • Technical layout
  • Page Insertions
  • Font Stylization

Cover Motif

  • Cover Design
  • Author Logo
  • eBook Publishing and Distribution
  • ISBN Assignment and Barcodes
  • Book printing, colour and greyscale option
  • Simple web page for the Author
  • Social Media Handle for the Author

Marketing Support Services

  • Book Marketing
  • Sales Promos
  • Social Handles Promotion
  • Automation and Videos
  • Google Drives
  • Sales Evaluation
  • Recommendations
  • The Shephard Leader
  • The Quest for Distinction
  • The unexplored Leadership Style
  • The Odd Discovery
  • The Baby Husband
  • 100 Quotes and Words of Wisdom
  • Building and Enhancing Marriage

In many more Insightful Ways
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6