At QSL, we offer Educational and Learning Administration by bringing students, scholars and materials together for effective and functional teaching and learning comprehension. QSL’s educational services focus on the enhancement of teaching and learning. We redefine, redesign and restructure your educational perspectives, and the processes through which the school administrators formulate, co-ordinate, and execute the educational programs available for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives of the educational setups for optimal growth.

QSL combines technology and expertise to rapidly change the way students learn. Our professional services are designed to help prepare clients, school teachers, principals or proprietors to engage in the teaching dynamics of the 21st century in order to influence positive educational change and improve students’ achievement.

We also carry out advisory services for teachers, families, school administrations, school management teams, school counselors, and government officials on the best educational techniques and technologies prevalent for proactive teaching and studentship.

QSL delivers training through workshops, seminars and team building activities. Our experts are equipped to recommend courses that will best address school needs after a free consultation and training needs assessment have been granted and completed. We have courses and can design new courses that best address streams of academic needs, such as:

  • Strategic Leadership and Management (SLM)
  • Educational Administration and Supervision (EAS)
  • Comprehensive Teaching and Learning Systems (CTLS)
  • Proficient Kindergartener Training (PKT)
  • Commingle Learning Matrix (CLM)
  • Special Education Needs and Disabilities
  • Management Mentoring Program (MMP)
  • Strategic Teaching and Learning Management (STLM)
  • Contemporary Classroom Management (CCM)
  • Modern Adroit Educator (MAE)
  • Bullyology (BYL)
  • Impelling Teaching Lifestyle (ITL)
  • Child Protection Course
  • School Digital Marketing (SDM)

Under this stream, we teach:

  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Educational Leadership
  • Change Management
  • Enrollment Management
  • Institutional Research
  • Academic Administration
  • Administrative Licensure
  • The Art of Coaching
  • School Administration Software
  • Monitoring Supportive Academics
  • Comprehensive Learning Administration
  • Advanced Learning Technology/Apps
  • Education Instructional Coordinating
  • Staff Evaluation and Development
  • Creating Integrated Learning Environment       
  • School Rules, Regulations and Principles
  • Creating a Climate Hospitable to Education
  • School Curriculum Development and Supervision 

This involves:

  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Prevalent Flipped Learning
  • Proficient Tech-Learning
  • Managing Student Mental Deficiency
  • Professionals Skills for Blended Learning
  • Ed-Puzzle
  • Gamification
  • Kahoot-Gamification
  • Socratives-Gamification
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Padlet-Collaborative Teaching
  • Prezi-Collaborative Teaching
  • Wikis Collaborative Teaching and Learning


  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Students Centered Learning
  • Techniques for Engaging Instruction
  • School Approach to Discipline
  • Effective Classroom Management
  • Contemporary Brain Teaching
  • Today’s Gusto Brain
  • Customized Interventions to Raise Achievement
  • Classroom Progressive Taxonomy
  • Students Categorization and Learning


  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Personal Social and Emotional Development
  • Elements of Effective Learning
  • Prime Learning and Development Needs
  • Support and Supervision in Early Years
  • Classroom Hygiene and First Aid
  • Classroom Clip-Art Designing
  • Understanding and Helping the J-Parents
  • Pragmatic Observation and Planning for Pre-school Provision
  • Imagery and Picturesque Teaching
  • Students Categorization and Learning
  • Pre-school Development


  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Understanding Areas for Special Needs
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyslexia  
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Inclusive and Exclusive Learning
  • Systematic Approach in Literacy Delivery
  • Techniques for Classroom and Behavioral Modification


  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Social and Emotional Intelligence
  • Harnessing the Influence of Social Media
  • Classroom Collaboration
  • Calmness Amidst Conflict
  • Classroom Hygiene and First Aid
  • Defusing Classroom Tension
  • Building Great Friendship
  • School Leadership Channel
  • Principal Podcasts for Teachers
  • Resilience through Rudimentary Len
  • Classroom Democratization
  • Judicious Time Management
  • Students Categorization and Learning


  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Understanding the Emotional Labor of Educators
  • Why your Profession Burn you out 
  • Self-care in a Selfless Profession
  • Managing Stress and Teaching Burnout
  • Boosting the Immune System
  • Essential Break Meditation App
  • Mental Preparation for a new Section
  • The Power of Reflection and Evaluation for a new Section
  • Creating Structural Work-life Buffers
  • Learning how to Bend and not Break
  • The Power of Appreciation
  • Growing through Historical Moments

Educates on:

  • Conceptual Definitions
  • Types of Bullying
  • Understanding Personality Traits
  • Bullying and Emotional Intelligence
  • The Consequences of Bullying
  • Effective Programs and Methods for Prevention of Bullying
  • Effective Approaches to Handling Bullying After it has Occurred
  • Principles of Bullying Prevention and Intervention
  • Measurement of Bullying
  • The Dissemination of Bully Prevention and Intervention Plan
  • Supports for Positive Peer Dynamics
  • Bullying Investigation and Prevention Assessment Checklist
  • Evolution of Intervention Program


  • Conceptual Definition
  • Abuse Signs Identification and Recognition
  • Escalation of Abuse Suspicion
  • Abuse Information Reportage
  • Barriers to Abuse Information Reportage
  • Identification of Grooming and Offender Behavior
  • Professional CP Boundaries and Risk Management
  • Recognition of Personal Responsibility and Duty-Care
  • Child Protection Policies
  • School Leadership and Child Protection


  • School Marketing in a Digital World
  • Digital Analytics for School Marketing Professionals
  • Digital Media and Marketing Principles
  • Marketing in an Analog World
  • Digital Marketing Culmination
  • The Digital Necessity in School Marketing
  • The Challenge in School Digital Marketing
  • Big Data Plus
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • The Digital M-search
  • Content Marketing and Native Advertising
  • Programmatic School Ad
  • Video Marketing Campaign
  • Understanding Online PR
  • Understanding the IoT
  • Optimizing the UX
  • The Future of S-digital Marketing